American animated television series Johnny Bravo, was created by Van Partible. The show used to play on cartoon network. The series stars muscular and witty Johnny Bravo, a young man still living with his mother hitting on every "little mama," he sees. As you watch, the plot usually involves his attempt to get at a woman he thinks is pretty. His disastrous lines and condescending speech makes the girls deny him. The popularity of the short made it a full time series on July 14, 1997. A spin-off series was created but lasted only a season. Reruns of the classic show on Boomerang explain why the iconic figure is a legend to this day.
Courage The Cowardly Dog
John Dilworth created Courage the Cowardly Dog, a dark comedy series about a pink little dog that is brave but not to courageous. He lives in the middle of nowhere with his owners Muriel and Eustace Bagge. Many supernatural or weird and creepy characters visit them and it's up to Courage to protect his owners. The bizarre humorous show originated from a short written by Hanna Barbara called, "The Chicken from Outer Space." In April 2012, the series started reruns on "Cartoon Planet." Often running into ghouls or monsters Courage is left to face the demons with no help from his owner Eustace finds humor in scaring him and Muriel who is unaware most of the time because she is old.
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